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If any phrase illustrates the importance of language and its accurate deployment in political discourse, it is &ldquo;political correctness&rdquo;. These two words once had real meaning, referring to a genuinely sinister bid, most potent in the Eighties and early Nineties, to purge US campuses of teachers who did not sign up to an ultra-Left approach to race, gender, sexuality and culture. The impact of this menacing phenomenon is beautifully memorialised in Philip Roth&rsquo;s novel The Human Stain, David Mamet&rsquo;s play Oleanna, and Allan Bloom&rsquo;s The Closing of the American Mind.
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Clegg also confirmed that although the coalition had been discussing the issue of "stress testing" the levies internally for their cost effectiveness, he was given very little notice that Cameron was to announce at prime minister's questions they were to be rolled back. He said even now he did not know what the prime minister precisely meant by rolling back the levies.
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After that, there’s Marlins outfielder Justin Ruggiano, a .313 hitter a year ago, who’s hitting just .226 this year; the Astros’ swing-and-miss first baseman/DH Chris Carter, who’s got 17 homers and 46 RBI but also a league-leading 120 strikeouts; and, of course, old friend Alfonso Soriano, whose remaining $18 million on his contract for next year would have to be mostly picked up by the Cubs in order for him to be an option for the Yankees. The same can be said for the White Sox’s Alex Rios, who’s owed $13.5 million next year.

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This story is interesting and well written. For example, neurovascular coupling is defined in layperson terms. However, as a previous reader noted, the study lacked a control group. The story itself lacks information about the funder (seriously, is it Ghiradelli?) and explicit information about the study limitations.
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Yes, red squirrels on mainland Britain have slightly increased in numbers recently, possibly reaching 140,000 (the Telegraph has reported) But there is still a battle raging to save them, with much of the work being undertaken by volunteers while Defra, Natural England, the RSPB and even, in places, the National Trust, take a back seat. In Wales, on Anglesey, where red squirrels have already been successfully reintroduced through the hard work of Dr Craig Shuttleworth and his helpers, there is a threat to large areas of red squirrel habitat in the Newborough Forest from the Countryside Council for Wales &ndash; incredible! If Tresco is a success this time (and the early signs are good, Mike Nelhams reports) there are other islands that could become refuges. Mull, the Isle of Man and, it seems to me, East Anglia could quite easily be made attractive for red squirrels. Next spring, if the Tresco squirrels breed, perhaps some of their young could be taken back to Cornwall where members of the Cornwall Red Squirrel Project want to see the animals living free.
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Euronews correspondent Bora Bayraktar said: &#8220;Protesters here in Istanbul are chanting slogans against the Egyptian army who carried out the military coup. They&#8217;re also calling for international action against the killings of civilians.&#8221;
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